In 1936 the Vicar at Holy Trinity Church was concerned by the indiscipline of members of the Church Boys Club and felt a uniformed organisation would resolve the problem. Sponsored by the 8th Ealing Scout Group, the Holy Trinity Baden Powell Scouts was formed, later becoming the 2nd Chelmsford Scout Group. Two years later, the group obtained the use of a campsite at Riffhams in Danbury.
In the mid-1950s, the group moved from the church to the Vestry Hall behind the Endeavour pub on Springfield Road. Our stay there was fairly brief – we received permission to build our current Scout Centre in Lawn Lane during 1969 and moved in two years later. Soon after that, we were able to purchase the freehold to our campsite at Riffhams.

Now, the group is home to around 150 young people, leaders and supporters – all working together to gain the skills that they need for life.
We change lives by offering 6 to 14 year-olds fun and challenging activities, unique experiences, everyday adventure and the chance to help others so that we make a positive impact in our community.
Scouting helps children and young adults reach their full potential. Scouts develop skills including teamwork, time management, leadership, initiative, planning, communication, self-motivation, cultural awareness and commitment. All of which helps young people to get jobs, save lives and even change the world.
What do Scouts do?
Scouts take part in activities as diverse as kayaking, abseiling, expeditions overseas, photography, climbing and zorbing. As a Scout you can learn survival skills, first aid, computer programming, or sail a boat and much more. There’s something for every young person. It’s a great way to have fun, make friends, get outdoors, express your creativity and experience the wider world.
What do volunteers do?
This life changing adventure is possible thanks to our adult volunteers, who support Scouts in a wide range of roles from working directly with young people, to helping manage a Group, to being a charity Trustee. We help volunteers get the most out of their experiences at Scouts by providing opportunities for adventure, training, fun and friendship.
Our award-winning training scheme for volunteers means that adults get as much from Scouts as young people. Our approach focuses on what you want to get out of volunteering with Scouts, while respecting how much time you can offer. Over 90% of Scout volunteers say that their skills and experiences have been useful in their work or personal life.